In the Diocese of Grand Island, the age for Confirmation is usually 17 or 18 (Junior or Senior in High School). Classes are held September-April during the child’s Sophomore year (10th grade).
See Religious Ed for more information on registration.
It is desirable that the confirmation sponsor (godparent) is the same as the baptismal godparent(s) (see c. 892.2).
- Sponsors must be Catholics in good standing who have received Baptism, Confirmation and Communion. They must be true examples of faith, living in accord with the Church’s moral teachings. Sponsors must be at least 16 years old. (see c. 874.1).
- To be living in accord with the Church’s moral teachings means:
- Going to Sunday Mass on a regular basis.
- Going to Confession when necessary and receiving Communion.
- Avoiding sin and sincerely trying to live a prayerful life.
- Living as a single person or a married person.
- NB: cohabitation is a serious sin and is not in keeping with the Church’s moral teaching.
- NB: Catholics who are married civilly, but not married in the Catholic Church should validate their marriage in the Church before serving as sponsors.
- To be clear: If you are a Catholic who is married outside the Church, you Cannot be a sponsor.
- A baptized, non-Catholic person may not participate except together with a Catholic sponsor, and then only as a Christian Witness (c. 874.2)
- The above references are from the Code of Canon Law. St. Mary’s Cathedral follows the Catholic Church’s regulations regarding baptism, as found in canon law.
A person should be confirmed, if at all possible, before entering marriage (see c. 1065.1).
If a person older than 18 desires to receive Confirmation, please contact a priest directly for information.