The Deacon is ordained for service to the local Church by the Bishop. In addition to his parish duties, the deacon may: assist the priest at the altar, preach, baptize, witness marriages, and conduct funeral services. Deacons may be married or single, but should be Catholic men in good standing with a history of service in the parish.
If you or someone you know is discerning a call to the Diaconate, contact your pastor or Father Richard Piontkowski at pastor@
stmarysgi.com or 308-384-2523

To be ordained a priest of Jesus Christ is to serve the the Church with the same loving heart that he has and to continue his saving work in the world. Without this loving service, there would be no Church. The priest is an image of Christ and a shepherd to his people.
If you or someone you know is discerning a call to the priesthood, please contact one of the priests directly for guidance. You may also find more information at the Diocese of Grand Island’s website and Facebook account, or via email at vocations@gidiocese.org.
“If I had one hundred lives to live, I would live each one of them as a priest.” – Archbishop Harry J. Flynn