Regular Collections
General Offertory
Contribution from this envelope goes to the needs of the church: payroll, heating, regular maintenance, and other bills.
HVAC/Loan to Diocese
In 2019, the Heating and Air Conditioning system in the Cathedral was replaced. Although we used savings to help pay for the system, we had to take out a loan with the Diocese for $559,315.00. Our monthly loan payment is $5400.79. The remaining balance as of January 1, 2023 is $229,234.00.
Haiti Mission Project
As part of the Parish Twinning Program, St. Mary’s Cathedral provides ongoing support for a poor parish in Haiti. Donations go to help our sister parish, Sainte Rose de Lima.
Holy Days
Collections are taken up on all Holy Days of Obligation: Solemnity of Mary (Jan 1), Easter, Ascension Thursday (40 days after Easter), Assumption of Mary (Aug 15), All Saints (Nov 1), Immaculate Conception (Dec 8) and Christmas (Dec 25). One envelope is provided for each day, with donations going to the parish.
Wish List
A special collection for a specific item for St. Mary’s Cathedral that is typically not part of the general budget.
National Collections
Supporting the Church’s works of social justice, evangelization, catechesis, and national and local institutional development–domestically and around the world–through the generosity of parishioners to annual national appeals. For more information, visit the USCCB website.
Latin America – end of January
Provides support for pastoral projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Eastern Europe – Ash Wednesday
Provides support to rebuild the pastoral capacity of the Church and restore the faith in 28 countries of the region.
Catholic Relief Services – 4th Sunday of Lent
Supports Catholic Church organizations that carry out international relief and solidarity efforts, such as emergency relief and long-term development assistance. CRS is the second largest international relief and development agency in the United States, aiding the suffering and distressed in more than 75 countries.
Holy Land – Good Friday
This collection supports the work of the Franciscans in the Holy Land, as they have the unique responsibility to care for the Holy Places and shrines as well for the Christians living there. It is vital that we support Christians living in the Holy Land, in order to maintain a Christian presence in the very land made holy by the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus.
Catholic Home Missions – end of April
Strengthening the Church at Home by supporting essential pastoral programs in financially challenged dioceses and eparchies in the United States.
Communications – late May
Helps the Church spread the Gospel message in the U.S. and in developing countries using modern media tools to inform, inspire, and enlighten.
Seminary – Pentecost Sunday
Provides support for the education of seminarians within our diocese.
Peter’s Pence – early July
These funds go to Rome to support charitable interventions as identified by the Pope and the Pope’s service to the universal Church.
West Nebraska Catholic – mid-September
Provides support for West Nebraska Catholic, the magazine of the Diocese of Grand Island, published every other month.
World Mission Sunday – late October
This collection supports the work and witness of the Mission Church, as it provides for priests, religious and lay leaders who offer the Lord’s mercy and concrete help to the most vulnerable communities in the Pope’s missions.
Military Archdiocese* – early November
Provides pastoral care, reception of the sacraments, religious education and faith formation, and other ministries to Catholic military men, women, veterans and their families. *Every 3 years.
Diocesan Mental Health Care Ministry – late November
Provides support for access to mental health care within our diocese. Your donation will help provide assistance for individuals seeking care, increase access to Catholic providers, and develop local mental health ministry programs to offer mentoring and support.
Retirement Fund/Religious – mid-December
Provides financial assistance to eligible religious institutes in the United States to care for their elderly and frail members now and in the future.