Ministry Contact

Every woman in the parish may be a member of the Cathedral Ladies (the parish’s women’s organization), and non-Catholic spouses of parishioners may participate as well.  The group promotes friendship and fellowship among all women of the parish, regardless of age or length of time a person has been a parish member.

The purposes of the Cathedral Ladies:

  • To foster and contribute to the works of the Lord.
  • To unite the women of the parish as devout persons working for the good of the parish.
  • To organize, provide, and serve bereavement dinners to the families of deceased parishioners.
  • To provide and serve meals, as needed for our youth/adults at First Communion, Confirmation, RICA, and Senior Meal.
  • To labor for the adornment and cleanliness of the House of God (Spring cleaning)

The Cathedral Ladies meet the second Monday at 6:30 pm in the Cathedral Square. Everyone is invited.

Every helping hand and heart are welcome to participate in the Cathedral Ladies from prayer and sharing, paying dues, working on a committee to fulfilling the role of an officer.   For more information, please contact the parish office 308-384-2523