The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Roman Catholic fraternal service organization. It is dedicated to the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. The organization boasts a worldwide membership of more than 1.7 million members in 14,000 councils.
St. Mary’s Cathedral Council #1159 has 170 members. Membership is limited to practicing Catholic men aged 18 or older.
Examples of service provided by the Knights:
- “One Rose, One Life” campaign the last Sunday of January
- Fish Fry during Lent
- Tootsie Roll drive to help with special needs children
- Bingo (the first two Sundays of the month) in Cathedral Square
- Soup supper fundraisers
- Sponsoring youth teams and the free throw contest
- Have appreciation meals for the priests and nuns of the area, and a meal for the teachers at GICC
- Assist priests of the diocese
- Bring Communion to the homebound
- Help older Knights, their widows, and veterans