Passing through Grand Island June 18 & 19!

The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage has started! This first of its kind, this historic cross-county Eucharistic Pilgrimage will reveal Our Lord’s desire to be near his people. St. Mary’s Cathedral is honored to be part of such a historic event!
The Eucharist left San Francisco, California on the Serra Route on May 18th and is headed to Indianapolis, Indiana, where all 4 processions will meet at the National Eucharistic Conference. A map of the route is available on the national website.
The Pilgrimage will move across Nebraska and be in Grand Island on June 18th and 19th. On Tuesday, June 18th, there will be a potluck in the parish hall at 5:30pm followed by Eucharistic Adoration. All are invited. Bring a dish to share!
On Wednesday, June 19th, there will be Mass at 8:00am followed by the Eucharistic Procession. We will leave St. Mary’s around 9am, walking from St. Mary’s Cathedral to the south end of Grand Island. From there, the Eucharist will be driven to the south side of the interstate where Bishop Hanefeldt will hand it off to Bishop Connelly of the Lincoln Diocese.
Although it is not required, you are encouraged to register. Scan the QR code below.
Tuesday, June 18
5:30 Community Potluck
7:30 Eucharistic Adoration
Wednesday, June 19
8:00 AM Mass
Following Mass Eucharistic Procession