The Anointing of the Sick finds its foundation in Jesus Christ and the teaching of the Apostles, particularly St. James. It is for those who are seriously ill due to sickness or old age.
When should a person be anointed?
There are no set standards, so it is necessary to exercise prudent judgment in each case. The common cold is not sufficiently serious for most people, but a person near death has long passed the threshold for the sacrament.
If a person has become seriously ill, contact a priest to request the sacrament of anointing. The “Last Rites” involve several different rites, which vary according to circumstances. The sacrament for those who are dying is Communion, in the form of Viaticum (one’s last Communion).
St. Mary’s Cathedral holds occasional healing masses, which are opportunities for the sick–especially the elderly–to come to mass and receive the anointing.
- The healing mass is held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 11:00a. It is followed by the Friendship Luncheon in the parish hall.
In addition, the priests at St. Mary’s Cathedral visit St. Francis Medical Center regularly to visit parishioners and to anoint the sick.